In English

  • What is «normativity» and why does it matter

    man wearing blue denim top and black sunglasses

    >Normativity is a concept that increasingly sparks debate. It’s all about normativity. There’s no more common topic among hipsters (and I say this as someone who’s been around a while) than this. There’s nothing more Instagram-worthy than not being normative. It’s at the heart of a cultural battle in which all of us, in one…

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  • Why do languages evolve?

    a couple of animals that are in the dirt

    Understanding why languages change is essential to comprehending how human beings communicate, evolve culturally, and adapt to new social and technological realities. Comparative linguistics is a discipline that not only explains and illustrates our past or the contacts between different civilisations, but it also helps us understand how our brain processes, creates, and modifies language.…

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  • On Plagiarism at Schools

    person wearing gold mask and mask

    >I am reviewing the final projects of my students, and out of 21, 7 have tested positive for plagiarism, and another 5 I suspect have used ChatGPT. We are overwhelmed: we don’t know how to solve the problem that arises from the use of AI in written assignments. The prevalence of plagiarism among our students…

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